
The semiotics of discourse // Jacques Fontanille

snachild 2013. 6. 1. 21:58


mode of existence : virtualized, actualized, realized, and potentialized.




mode of existence of the contents of discourse, determined by the degrees of their assumption and their unfurling by the instance of discourse.


typology of modes of presence establsed above with respect to the canonical narrative schemas, we can aling with each one of them a mode of existence of discursive contents.


 풍부함  /  어리석음, 우둔, 공허, 지각 없는 언행

부족, 결핍 / 멍함, 멍청함




 아이러니 - 표현은 했으나 대놓고 의도한 게 아님 : 잠재적



 은유와 환유


 아이러니는 expressed content를 assume하지 않는다

 메타포는.. woman is a wheat field라고 했을 때.. wheat field는 realized.

반면에, virualized..



 The phase Virual -> Actualized : represents a form's emergence.

The phase Actualize -> Realized : describe a form's appearance


realized mode : is the very one through which enunciation makes forms of discourse meet up with a reality, a material reality of the plane of expression, a reality of the natural world and of

the sensible world for the content plane.

The inverse(정반대) movement is the one proper to the rhetorical dimension of acts of discourse : a form is said to be potentialized when its diffusion(발산, 유포) or its recognition is such

that it can figure as a site of discourse (type, commonplace, or motive, available for other convocations집회, 소집)

virtualized mode : (one never comes back to the virtal mode properly speaking, for we are still in discourse in action) is that of the entities that serve as a background to the functioning of the figures of discorse : the semiotic act then consists in realizing a figure, in sending another on back to the virtualized stage, and in placing them in interaction in such a way that, at the moment of interpretation, the enuniciatee is led to come and go from the one to the other.



