
아바타 선택의 효과 (Being in the Game: Effects of Avatar Choice) [해외논문] (60/100)

snachild 2013. 11. 4. 18:02


Media Psychology
Publication details, including instructions for authors and
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Being in the Game: Effects of
Avatar Choice and Point of View on
Psychophysiological Responses During
Sohye Lim a & Byron Reeves b
a Yonsei University , Seoul, Korea
b Department of Communication , Stanford University , California,
Published online: 01 Dec 2009.


<<와 진짜ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 레알 좋다 진짜ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 이거 책 밖에 없는 줄 알고... 책은 도서관에서 자료구입신청도 안되어서 완전 좌절했는데... 와우! 와우!!!!!!! 논문으로라도 있었엌ㅋㅋㅋ 굳굳굳굳굳....



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>>와우 좋아ㅋㅋ 연구, 교육, 개인 공부 목적으로 사용될 수 있다네욤

  그러나 재배포.. 재생산. 재팔기... 이런 걸로는 안된다능. 그러니까 전문을 올리면 안되겠죠



<<헐... 공저자 중 한명 연대 사람이야.. 그것도 먼저 오는 사람




The innovative features of multi-player computer games offer com-
pelling opportunities for self-representation during interactions,
and the ways in which these avatars are chosen and manipu-
lated may change interactive experiences.


>>이거 MMORPG 같은 게 연구 대상인가? 멀티 플레이어 컴퓨터 게임이니까

   아바타 선택과 상호작용적 경험이 연결된다는..



This study investigated
the effects of avatar choice (choice vs. no choice) and visual
point of view (POV; first-person vs. third-person) on the physio-
logical arousal and subjective evaluations of game experiences.



<<어라? 이것도 뭔가 통계적으로 연구하는 것 같은 스멜이...



The results demonstrated that
being able to pick the character that will represent the player in the
game leads to greater arousal, especially for males.


>>이거 다른 연구에서도 나온건데 꼭... 이렇게 남성 유저들의 경우에 뭔가 변별점이 자주 나오더라



Visual POVs
alone did not affect the game player’s arousal, but moderated the
effect of avatar choice on the game player’s heart rates. Avatar
choice produced a more pronounced effect in the third-person
POV (where the ‘‘camera’’ was located behind the avatar) in which
avatar choice was visually more reinforced than in the first-person
POV (where the ‘‘camera’’ was the eyes of the avatar).


>>3인칭이 더...


The results also revealed that the gender of the game player was a significant
factor in game play experience. The results suggest theoretical
implications of video game self-representation and effects on game
player’s psychophysiological responses.


>>오ㅋ 젠더가 중요한 factor라고..



Interactive games are a complicated art form that generate an unprecedented
level of active, psychological involvement.


>>unprecedented 전례 없는, 유래 없는. 미증유의



New computer games facilitate immediacy through
features that manipulate the way players are represented in the gaming


>>결국 아바타는 '재현'의 문제와 맞물리는 것



The more these features succeed in maximizing the sense of
self-involvement, the more compelling the gaming experiences become.


>>self-involvement : 자아관여도

   이것과 관련된 듯


>>surrogate : 대용의, 대리의

   아바타는 플레이어를 대체한다. 대리한다.


>>아;;;; 이거 저번에 읽었던 영어 논문보다 해석하기 어려워ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ



This imprinting further deepens when game
players invest significant psychological and monetary resources to ‘‘nurture’’
the avatars by advancing them in the game and interactingwith other players.



>>monetary : 통화의, 화폐의

 아하 아바타에 돈도 디립따 쓴다는 거구나. 성장시키기 위해서



both HR and skin conductance, this study investigates how avatar choice and
visual POV affect the player’s autonomic arousal. In addition, self-reported
arousal, valence, and presence serve as subjective markers of the player’s
emotional experiences.


>>그래요;; 이렇게 연구를 진행한다니까요 여기서는;;;



The degree to which players feel that their own avatars represent themselves
is central to understanding the players’ psychological experiences in the
Avatar Choice and Visual POV in MMORPGs 351


>>이런 건 인용해도 되겠네. 중심적인 기제




Avatars in contemporary games have gradually evolved from crude
icons (e.g., Pong, PacMan) to sophisticated embodiments that communicate
personality, emotion, and purpose (e.g., Lara Croft, Star Wars Galaxy).


crude : 대충 만든, 대강의


>>처음에는 대충 만들었다가 점점 자세하고 복잡하게 되었다는 거지요


Also, more games provide players with a wide array of choices regarding
their characters, including gender, appearance, professions, and clans. For
example, in World of Warcraft, the players make a number of choices with
regard to their avatars’ race, gender, profession, and appearance. Depending
on their role, characters may have innate traits or talents, such as strength,
intelligence or magical powers, and players are given numerous opportunities
to alter and acquire new traits as the games unfold. The possible
combination of attributes is large, and most players spend considerable
time and money customizing and adorning their avatars to distinguish them
in all possible ways from the avatars of other players. Choosing and personalizing
‘‘my’’ avatar directly manipulates the way ‘‘I’’ am represented in
the game. Therefore, a player can demonstrate their own unique blend of
personality, skills, and roles through the act of choosing and personalizing
an avatar in the game world. In all character personalization, choices


>>논지는 위랑 비슷하네여



Despite the fact that choice is a central component of most interactive
media, only a small number of studies have investigated its psychological
consequences for media use.


>>문제제기 : 상호작용적 미디어에서 이러한 (다양한) 선택이 중요한 요새가 되어가는데도, 이것이 불러일으키는 심리학적 결과와 중요성에 대한 연구가 부족하다




The choice of one’s own avatar is a
process in which the linkage of the player to an onscreen surrogate becomes
explicit and this may increase a player’s sense of self-relevance during the
gaming activity. Accordingly, the first hypothesis for this study is:
H1: Game players’ arousal (i.e., skin conductance) during game play will be
greater when they play the game with an avatar of their own choice
than when an avatar is assigned.


>>이거 advergame 연구랑 되게 논지가 비슷하다. 선택이 다양해진 것일수록 게임 플레이 몰입도가 높다는



choosing one’s own avatar
will result in a more positive subjective experience for game players. The
second hypothesis is:
H2: Game players will feel more positive valence when they play with
avatars of their own choice than when they play with assigned avatars.



<<여기 라라 크로프트 나온당ㅋㅋ 아는 거 나오니 재밌넹



POV may substantially influence identification with action and characters.
The use of camera POV is a primary storytelling technique that
has been used by cinematographers for many years.


>>야 이거 재밌넹.... 시점이 스토리텔링의 중요한 테크닉이라니 (여기서는 전통적 시점이 아니라 게임에서의 뷰)




For example, in the first-person shooter games,
the player might only see the hand and the gun. The fact that there is no
character that is ‘‘visible’’ as a separate entity may give players a greater sense
of self-control due to its egocentric reference frame. on the contrary, in the
third-person POV, mental states may be ascribed to someone else (Aguirre &
D’Esposito, 1999; Klatzky, 1998). A third-person POV presents the character
onscreen, portrayed as corporally separate from the player. This separation
in visual representation likely detaches the player from the character even
more than in the case of a first-person POV game.


>>에고센트릭 나왔다

>>캐릭터와 유저를 좀 더 분리시키는데도 이게 더 효과가 좋다면.... 단순히 자기 이입만이 아바타 커스터마이징의 기제가 아닌 것이지




(2000) described this distinction as the player ‘‘controlling’’ the character
in the third-person game, but ‘‘becoming’’ the character in the first-person


>>3인칭은 내가 콘트콜

   1인칭은 내가 그 자체가 되는 것


For example, in the first-person POV, the interaction between the
game player’s ‘‘self ’’ and the game environment seems to be more immediate
than in the third-person POV, in which there is a visually embodied
representationmediating the player’s interactions.Due to these psychological
repercussions, the visual immediacy in the interaction between the player
and the onscreen representation of the first-person POV is hypothesized to
increase the player’s arousal response.



H3: Game players’ arousal (i.e., skin conductance) during game play will be
greater when they play the game from the first-person POV than from
the third-person POV.


>>근데 이 전제가 연구의 끝에 깨지지 않나...



Furthermore, since POV determines the way a player’s choice is visualized,
POV is hypothesized to moderate the effect of avatar choice such
that the consequence of choosing will be more visually manifest in the
third-person POV than in the first-person POV


>>오호... 이것도 흥미로운데



In the first-person POV, avatar choice is not apparent on the screen; the choice serves merely as a
cognitive demarcation of ownership, but it is not visually reinforced during
the game play


 In the third-person POV, there is a visible and separate entity
that experiences the consequences of a player’s game activity. Players who
choose their own avatars may be more engaged in the game play since they
may feel a greater sense of responsibility, but only when the target of the
responsibility is visibly embodied on the screen.
Accordingly, avatar choice
is predicted to intensify the game player’s arousal in the third-person POV,
but not in the first-person POV.
H4: The avatar choice will increase game players’ arousal (i.e., skin conductance)
during the game play in the third-person POV, but not in the
first-person POV.



<<HR이 뭐여...



Recently, a sense of presence emerged as a central dimension for understanding
game experience (Lee, Jin, Park, & Kang, 2005; Schneider et al.,
2004; Tamborini et al., 2004). Usually described as a sense of ‘‘being there,’’
presence defines the extent to which media experiences are perceived as
real (Lee, 2004). A compelling sense of presence during game play arises as
a result of the game’s content, structural features, and player characteristics.
In particular, Wirth et al.’s (2007) model on spatial presence accentuates
‘‘self-location’’ as a primary dimension of presence. The concept of selflocation
provides the basis on which we can assume that the egocentric frame
addressed in the first-person POV may facilitate the player’s presence. In
fact, a recent study (Kallinen, Salminen, Ravaja, Kedzior, & Sääksjärvi, 2007)
examined the effect of visual POV in game play on presence (participants
did not choose their avatars): the first-person POV caused the player to
experience a greater sense of presence.
However, in this study, avatar choice is predicted to serve as a game
feature that moderates the effect of visual POV on the sense of presence. Following
from the findings presented in Kallinen et al. (2007), it is hypothesized
that the player may feel a greater sense of presence in the first-person POV
than in the third-person POV when the player did not choose their avatars
(H5a). However, when a player’s avatar is personally chosen, the effect

of POVs may be attenuated since the already-strengthened psychological
connection between the player and the avatar is not as influenced by the
visual representation (H5b).


 H5a: When game players do not choose their avatars, they will experience
a greater degree of presence in the first-person POV than in the thirdperson
H5b: When game players choose their own avatars, there will not be a
significant difference in their experience of presence between the thirdperson
POV and the first-person POV.


>>선행 연구들을 통해 가설을 만들고 있음




<<으아아앜 결과 너무 수식이 넘쳐;ㅅ;


<<외국 논문은 결과에다 꼭 디스커션을 하더라ㅋㅋ




When the game players
did not choose their avatars, the first-person POV generated a greater degree
of presence than the third-person POV. When the game players chose their

avatar, there was little difference in presence between the first-person POV
and the third-person POV. Whereas Kallienen et al.’s (2007) study reported
that a greater sense of presence was evoked in the first-person POV than
in the third-person POV, this study’s results show that the effect of POV
on presence may vary as a function of other game features
, such as avatar


>>오호라.. 이 부분은 좋구나


Playing the game with the
avatar of their own choosing increased the male players’ HR indicating
a greater effect of cardiac sympathetic activity, which in turn enhanced
their positive emotions during game play.


>>남자가 아바타 초이스에 영향 많이 받음



Furthermore, males and females responded significantly differently to
the first-person and the third-person POVs. The result showed that male
players were more aroused (i.e., greater skin conductance activity) when
they played the game from the third-person POV rather than from the firstperson


>>남자는 3인칭으로 플레이하면 더 흥분

 여자는 그냥 비슷함 1인칭이나 3인칭이나




<<나중에 뒤에 더 읽음 좋을듯

<<비디오 게임 대상인듯