How Avatar Customizability Affects Children’s
Arousal and Subjective Presence During Junk
Food–Sponsored online Video Games
Rachel Bailey, M.A., Kevin Wise, Ph.D., and Paul Bolls, Ph.D.
Volume 12, Number 3, 2009
ª Mary Ann Liebert, Inc.
DOI: 10.1089=cpb.2008.0292
The purpose of this study was to determine how children cognitively and emotionally process interactive marketing
of snack food products in advergames.
>>이건 광고게임 같은 거에 대한 논문이넹
그리고 사회 과학 쪽 논문. 애들 30명 델꾸 얍얍 연구한 거
Children (N¼30) aged 10 to 12 were asked to play advergames
with (a) avatars that were assigned to them, (b) avatars chosen from a pool, and (c) self-designed avatars.
>>아바타를 3장으로 나눠서 하는 건 재밌넹
이 abc 분류는 어디서 나온 건지? 뎁따 좋은데
The results of this study indicate that customization of game avatars can affect
both subjective feelings of presence and psychophysiological indicators of emotion during gameplay, which may
make the gameplay experience more enjoyable.
>>오오~ 구상했던 거랑 비슷하다. 커스터마이징이 잘 될수록 게임 플레이에~ 더 감정 이입
근데 enjoyable 하다는 게 구체적으로 어떤 건지를 더 자세히 들어가야
Advergames, or an online games with branded
content, are a distinct form of online gaming in that they are
completely advertiser sponsored and produced.3
The immersive nature of
advergames could make their persuasive impact different
from traditional advertisements through a psychological state
known as presence.
>>음.. 뭔가 게임에만 방점이 가있는 논문은 아닌듯?
Much effort has been devoted to making videogames more
immersive.4 one way of accomplishing this is through customization.
Video games are becoming increasingly customizable,
especially in terms of avatar customization.5
>>이거 비디오 게임만 이래?
5. Lim S. The effect of avatar choice and visual POV on game
play experiences. Unpublished Dissertation. Stanford University,
>>뭐야 이거 되게 좋아 보이는데? 찾아볼 것
The degree
to which advergame players feel that their avatars accurately
represent them may be important in determining and explaining
the emotional experience elicited by the advergame.
>>감정적으로만 영향을 미칠까?
Because this experience may be even more compelling for
younger children who are already more susceptible to persuasion,
>>susceptible ; 민감한. 예민한
persuasion ; 설득
Avatars, or representations of people in virtual environments,
are under the direct control of human beings in terms
of design and movement.8
8. Whalen TE, Petriu DC, Yang L, et al. Capturing behavior for
the use of avatars in virtual environments. CyberPsychology
& Behavior 2003; 6:537–44.
>>같은 학회 논문이넹
It has been argued that when an
avatar is controlled by a human being, three ‘‘bodies’’ are
present: the objective body, or the physical, observable body of
the user; the virtual body, or the representation of the user
inside the virtual environment, and the body schema, or the
user’s mental representation of his or her body.9
9. Biocca F. The cyborg’s dilemma: progressive embodiment in
virtual environments. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication
1997; 3.
lombard.html (accessed Oct. 30, 2007).
>>와 이거 엄청 좋은데? 이것도 찾아볼 것
실재하는 바디 : 물리적이고 관찰 가능한 유저의 몸
가상적인 바디 : 가상 환경 속에 재현되고 있는 몸
바디 스키마 : 그의 몸에 대한 정신적인 표상
In highly
immersive environments, such as virtual reality, the virtual
body can affect the body schema. Biocca argues that these
connections make the design of an avatar very important.9
Research has also identified effects of avatar design on social
behavior in online environments.10 The findings of such
studies suggest that avatar customization options may effect
users’ mental representations of their bodies as well as their
<<외국에선 광고 게임이 핫한가벼
The effects of choice on performance are evident in children
as well. Cordova and Lepper found that children given
more choices about their representation in a learning game
environment exhibited more intrinsic motivation, more enjoyment,
and more learning.11 This finding was replicated for
Anglo-American children in a cross-cultural study, which
suggests that choices about self-representation are important
in ensuring high levels of enjoyment, intrinsic motivation,
and learning in children.12 In non-learning-oriented videogames,
this also seems to be the case. When a participant was
offered a choice of avatar, in a sense gaining ‘‘ownership’’ of
the avatar, arousal, presence, and identification were higher
for third-person point-of-view games (games in which the
player can see the avatar) than they were for first-person
point-of-view games.5
Given these findings, allowing individuals more choices
concerning their avatars should increase their feelings of
identification with the avatars. Identification has been defined
as ‘‘a process that culminates in a cognitive and emotional
state in which the audience member is aware not of
him- or herself as an audience member, but rather imagines
being one of the characters’’ in the game.15
15. Cohen J. Defining identification: a theoretical look at the
identification of audiences with media characters. Mass
Communication & Society 2001; 4:245–64.
>>이것도 좋다
Further, if users
identify with an avatar, salient characteristics of that avatar
may integrate into the user’s idea of self during gameplay.16
>> integrate ; 통합시키다
<<각주 5가 정말 많이 나온다 찾아봐라
Should a player design an avatar to look like
himself or herself, the process may deal less with identifying
with the avatar and more with projecting ideas of the self onto
the avatar.
>>나와 닮게 하면 닮게 할 수록 나 자신을 투사
>> 하지만 나와 똑같이 만들지만은 않는다. 그렇다면 거기엔 뭐가 투사된 것일까..
Should a player design an avatar to look like
himself or herself, the process may deal less with identifying
with the avatar and more with projecting ideas of the self onto
the avatar.
>>몸에 대한 관념이 전환된다
Taylor argues that ‘‘through avatars, users embody themselves
and make real their engagement with a virtual world.’’
>>아바타는 가상 세계 경험과 현실을 잇는 중요한 지점. 연결점.
Either case is likely to strengthen the relationship of an individual
with an avatar, but it is likely that those individuals
given the opportunity to project their own identities onto the
avatar will be more involved in the game than are those who
merely choose an avatar.
this study employed a dimensional
view of emotion.
The dimensional view of
emotion posits that emotions contain two underlying dimensions:
hedonic valence and arousal.
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These six conceptualizations
of presence can be divided into two main
categories: physical and social.
In the case of
virtual constructions of an alter-self, an individual can construct
a partially or fully physical representation (e.g., the
avatar is fully or partially visible) or a fully psychological
representation (e.g., no avatar is visible; first-person pointof-
view game).26
many advergames
employ more customizable options, including game
environment, opponent, and avatar customization.2
<<<이야 이 연구는 근데 인문학 베이스가 아니라 막 피부 가지고... 측정하고 그럼;;
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