
illustraitve narratology for digital artist [디지털 예술가들을 위한 시각적 서사학] (1)

snachild 2014. 11. 14. 15:30


Uncovering hidden maps: Illustrative narratology for digital artists/designers

Wei, S. Louisa, and Huaxin Wei. "Uncovering hidden maps: Illustrative narratology for digital artists/designers." Computers and Composition 23.4 (2006): 480-502.




Interactive narratives have greatly changed our experience with story and storytelling. For a digital artist/designer, learning narrative techniques derived from fiction and film is crucial, as such techniques not only address the audience's reading/viewing habits but also are useful in breaking down a narrative into elements for the process of organizing/programming. This paper introduces an illustrative guide of narratology concepts for digital artists/designers, media students, and the like, and methods of uncovering the “hidden maps” in various kinds of narrative.


상호작용적 서사는 스토리와 스토리텔링에 대한 인간의 경험을 변화시켰다. 디지털 예술가와 디자이너들을 위해, (픽션(소설?)과 영화로부터 유래한) 서사적인 테크닉을 배우는 것은 중요하다. 그러한 테크닉들은 수용자들의 읽기/보기 관습과 연관될 뿐만 아니라 ....



  • Illustrative narratology;
  • Interactive narrative



“Narrative Motifs, Patterns and Formulas for the Artist/Designer” that aimed at a graphical guide to help us to “see” the architecture of narrative works of all kinds. To approach Stern's questions from a narratology perspective is not to say that the story should be the exclusive focus of any new media artifact—regardless of its genre. As Henry Jenkins (2004) suggested:



<<진짜로 야콥슨 거 말고도, 서사학적 소통 모델 가져오고 그랬네..



A more complex model was built by Wallace Martin (1986) (Figure 3) where the “Addresser–Message–Addressee” core in communication is mirrored by that of “Author–Message–Reader” in narrative communication while the “writer” is subdivided into “implied author,” “dramatized author,” and “dramatized narrator” (p. 154).




Fig. 3.

Martin's communication model.




>>>> 오 이거 뭐냐. 있어보이네

>>>mirrored라는 표현 유의





>>Narratee가 뭘까 피서술자? 서술을 보는 자..냐?? 뭐냐


we will respectively discuss the artist/designer as narrator, (digital) work as narrative, and audience/user as narratee


>>아 수용자, 독자네요



<<<뒷 부분도 좋아보임