
Digital storytelling - A new player on the narrative field

snachild 2014. 2. 24. 10:09

Gayle Cole, Kori Street, Laurel J. Felt


 성인 교육과 관련된 논문


 내러티브의 장 = 그냥 비유적

 뉴 플레이어 = 마찬가지로 비유적



 Meadows, D. “Digital Storytelling: Research-based Practice in New Media.” Visual Communication, 2003, 2(2), 189–193.
 Porter, B. DigiTales: The Art of Telling Digital Stories., 2004.
 Lambert, J. The Digital Storytelling Cookbook. Berkeley, Calif.: Digital Diner Press, 2007.
 Lambert, J. The Digital Storytelling Cookbook. Berkeley, Calif.: Digital Diner Press, 2010.
 Benmayor, R. “Digital Storytelling as a Signature Pedagogy(교육학) for the New Humanities.”
Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 2008, 7, 188.