>>제목 해석 맞냐..ㅡㅡ??;;
One’s feelings of intimacy and connectedness with distal, fictional media characters are referred to as parasocial
>>의사(유사)사회적 상호작용
디지털, 픽셔널 미디어 캐릭터에 대한 친밀감과 연결된듯한 감정은 의사 사회적 상호작용이라 할 수 있다. 비디오 게임은 이러한 관념에 도전하는데, 게임 플레이어와 캐릭터 사이의 거리감이 급격하게 감소하여, 완전히 제거되지 않는다면, 가상 환경에서.
>>캐릭터 애착(character attachment, CA) 라는 개념이 잇나 보구나
이러한 CA 개념이 pro- 나 anti- social gaming motivation을 이해하는데 아주 좋데염
pro 소셜 게이머는 캐릭터 조절하며 좋아함ㅋ 안티 소셜 게이머는 게임 환경에 대해 좀 불신 갖고(?) 가상 액션에 대한 책임감을 갖지 않음. 나이 먹은 게이머들은 전자에 속하는 경우가 많고 어린, 남자 캐릭터는 후자에 속함
(MMO) game World of Warcraft
>>오 와우 출현ㅋ
Many of these games, particularly the MMOs, are
played as a way of fostering a sense of community among
>>그렇지 MMO의 매력은 커뮤니티성!!
외향적 플레이어들은 다른 사람과 의미 있는 관계를 형성하고 유지시킨데영
In fact, recent evidence suggests that engaging
in anti-social playing and even playing solo are equallycompelling
game play motivations for some.6
>>맞아 맞아 나도 그래
Moreover, the popularity of video games has caused
entertainment scholars to change their approach to understanding
interactions between audiences and mediated characters.
>>이야아 중개된 캐릭터라는 말 좋당ㅎ
In the past, scholars used the term parasocial interaction
to explain feelings of intimacy and connectedness with distal, fictional characters.9
9. Rubin AM, Perse EM, Powell RA. Loneliness, para social
interaction, and local television news viewing. Human
Communication Research 1985; 12:155–180.
However, video games have
forced a change in this conceptualization, as the distinction
between user and character is not as salient in video game
>>salient 현저한, 두드러진, 돌출한 (우왕 네이버 툴바 짱인데?)
In traditional media forms audience members
simply witness the actions of their favorite characters,
whereas in video games audiences (or rather, users) are
placed in near-complete control of their character’s actions.8
Thus, a distinguishing feature relevant to the current study
that separates video games from noninteractive media is the
‘‘internalization and psychological merging of a player’s and
a character’s mind,’’10 conceptualized as character attachment.
>>internalization 내면화
Although relevant to any video game in which a
character is present, character attachment (CA) is thought to
be especially relevant to role-playing games (RPGs), as the
main purpose of these games is to immerse the gamer in
the emotional and physical (at least, physical in relation to the
virtual character) world of their game character.11
>>와아아 나도 그렇게 생각. 캐릭터 애착은 역시 MMORPG에서 일어나는 것이지요!! 이 부분 인용해도 될듯
>>참고 문헌들
7. Steinkuehler C, Williams D. Where everybody knows your
(screen) name: online games as ‘‘third place.’’ Journal of
Computer-Mediated Communication 2006; 11:885–909.
8. Lewis ML, Weber R, Bowman ND. ‘‘They may be pixels, but
they’re MY pixels’’: Developing a metric of character attachment
in role-playing video games. Cyberpsychology
and Behavior 2008; 11:515–518.
9. Rubin AM, Perse EM, Powell RA. Loneliness, para social
interaction, and local television news viewing. Human
Communication Research 1985; 12:155–180.
10. Oatley K. Meeting of minds: Dialogue, sympathy, and
identification in reading fiction. Poetics 1999; 26:439–454.
11. May SA. The best in role-playing games. Compute 1994;
Character attachment
Media entertainment research has traditionally placed
great focus on understanding the relationship between
audiences and media characters. Zillmann and Cantor12
examined how audiences’ dispositions(배열, 성질) toward fictitious
characters influence enjoyment, and more recent work by
Zillmann13 examines how audiences’ moral salience(특징, 중요점) might
explain their reactions to character actions. Eden* and Tamborini
14 have studied how audiences’ careful consideration of
the appropriateness of character behavior might play a role in
narrative appeal. Research on identification15 examines how
audience members imagine at times being media characters,
and work on parasocial interaction9 explains how audiences
react to media characters as if they were actual, physical
>>근데 자꾸 audience 라고 하네... user라고 안하고
However, in video games it can be argued that users are
not simply identifying with a distal(말초적) and separate media
character, but rather are encouraged to insert themselves into
the game environment through the media character; that is,
they are asked to become present in the virtual world, creating
an illusion of nonmediation with the mediated environment.
>>오오.. 나도 이렇게 생각
Gamers do not merely have a felt connection with
their characters, but there exists an ‘‘actual, tangible connection
between the gamer and a fully functional, completely
controllable avatar.’’14 In many ways, video game play can be
understood in terms of a ‘‘melding of minds’’ between the
player and the character,10 either through a player growing
closer to an established character over time or through a
player creating a unique character as an expression of self to
enter the game world.
>>근데 난 이러한 자기 이입만 일어난다고는 생각하지 않음. 자기를 넣는 게 있는가 하면 자기로부터 멀어져서 이상화하고 일부분 타자로 만드는 점도 있음. 3인칭 뷰이기도 하고..
CA is understood as a multidimensional construct
that involves feelings of friendship, identification, suspension
of disbelief, responsibility for media character’s actions, and a
heightened sense of control over character actions.8
>>CA의 정의다!!!!!!!!!! 인용해도 될듯
relevant in all character-driven games, CA has been found to
be particularly relevant in RPGs 3 due to the intense focus on
character development and character-driven narratives that
mark this genre.11,17
>>와우 여기도.. 굳굳
캬~ 진짜 좋네.. character-driven narratives 라니!!!ㅠㅠ 그게 이 장르의 본질(?)일수도..
11. May SA. The best in role-playing games. Compute 1994;
15. Cohen J. Defining identification: A theoretical look at the
identification of audiences with media characters. Mass
Communication and Society 2001; 4:245–264.
16. Steuer J. Defining virtual realities: Dimensions determining
telepresence. Journal of Communication 1992; 42:73–79.
17. Lucas K, Sherry JL. Sex differences in video game play: A
communication-based explanation. Communication Research
2004; 31:499–523.
Research has shown that players of MMOs use the games to both extend real-life relationships and to
form new ones.17 Choi and Kim21 supported this notion using
large-scale survey data, describing the optimal experience of
gaming as largely determined by the individual player experiencing
pleasant social interactions with others. Additionally,
Authors3 found that players high in trait
extroversion were most likely to play online games for extended
periods of time, arguing that high extroverts use RPGs
as a way to seek out social interactions than cannot be offered
within the time and space restraints of daily, face-to-face interactions.
From these studies, the relative appeal of online
games for these individuals is apparent.
>>MMO의 이런 특징들 때문에 친사회적 플레이어들은 당연히 좋겠져ㅋ 이 논문은 여기에 그치지 않아서 좋은듯
Even though massively
multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPG) are described
as inherently social games, players who use these
games are often labeled as ‘‘anti-social’’ or, at least, are assumed
to have an abnormal perspective regarding social
>>그렇지 이런 문제제기를 했기 때문이지!!!
In general, video game research is rife(유행하는, 수 없이 많은) with claims
about gaming—specifically violent gaming—leading to aggression
and hostility.23 Research on habitual(습관적인) MMORPG play
suggests that heavy users are often characterized as aggressive
and narcissistic,24 and other studies have found certain
types of MMORPG players engage in grief play—literally,
causing unabashed(뻔뻔스러운, 태연한) grief to other players25—sometimes as a
source of greed and personal gain in the MMO environment. 26
>>헤비 유저일수록 종종 그렇다고? 흥미롭네
In short, we
expect that anti-social playing is another important factor for
playing video games, and—similar to the logic above for prosocial
gaming—we understand this factor as a second, and
perhaps orthogonal(직각의?), motivation for playing video games.
In general, we assume that players who are strongly attached
to their character will have stronger pro-social motivations
while players who are less attached to their character will
show more anti-social motivations. Less attached players
may care less about negative consequences such as developing
a negative reputation, losing other player’s confidences,
or difficulty forming relationships that might result out of
anti-social gaming behavior. Conversely, the importance of
having good relations to others might be higher for players
who are more attached and identify stronger with their
>>와우... 이건 진짜 흥미로운 가설이에염
게임 내에서 친 사회적인 행동을 하는 플레이어들은 캐릭터 애착이 강한 거고
막장으로 반 사회적 행동 일삼는 애들은 캐릭터 애착이 약하다능..ㄷㄷㄷ
For example, it is plausible that the more time players invest in their game play, the more likely they are
to form bonds with other gamers, which might encourage
more pro-social gaming behaviors as these gamers mightwant
to avoid the negative consequences that could result out of
anti-social gaming behavior.8
<<중간에 방법론 부분은 넘어가자 난 사회과학 이런 통계 몰라여^0^ 몰라^0^.... 봐도 몰라^0^ 한국어로 봐도 몰라^0^...
The notion of character attachment8 has been proposed as
an update to our understanding of the relationship between
video game players and their characters. While scholars
traditionally think of the relationship between media audiences
and characters in terms of a parasocial interaction,9 CA
proposes that this concept is in need of update in the
increasingly-interactive media environment. In video games,
the interaction between a user and his or her character is not a
parasocial one but rather an experiential one.
>>CA의 개념 좀 바뀌어야... 예전엔 비디오 게임 위주였고 이젠 인터랙티브 한데ㅋ
그러니까 플레이어-캐릭터 사이의 유대 관계는 '유사 사회적'이라고 했는데, 그게 아니라 이건 그냥 경험적인 것 아님?ㅋ
Gamers do not
play witness to the actions of a distinct and distal character
but rather are placed in control of these actions, which leads
to a more active and proximal connection between the two.
Thus, understanding the extent to which we are attached to
these others becomes central to understanding how gamers
might play and interact in these virtual worlds.
Anti-social gaming motivations were strongly associated
with skilled, younger male gamers willing to suspend
their disbelief of the game environment and who have a
weakened sense of responsibility for their game character’s
well-being. Looking at these patterns, notably the suspension
of disbelief and the decreased sense of responsibility, Bandura’s
31 discussion of moral disengagement might be used to
explain them. The suspension of disbelief is conceptually
similar to the ‘‘minimizing, ignoring, or misconstruing the
consequences [of actions]’’31
disengage(연결을 풀다)
>>책임감이 없어지니까 가해자들이 자신의 행동으로부터 연결을 풀어버리는겨
>>인지 부조화
Related to this, we might also implicate
the role of cognitive dissonance in these observed findings–
particularly with the negative association between responsibility
and anti-social gaming.33
>>책임감과 안티 소셜 게이밍은 관련 없다
Here, it is plausible that
gamers who play for anti-social reasons might simply deny
responsibility for their actions; that is, the motivations may
serve to influence character attachment rather than be influenced
by attachment.
>>반사회적 이유로 플레이하는 게이머들은 단순히 그들의 액션에 대해 책임감만 회피할 뿐 (
즉, 동기는 캐릭터 애착에 영향을 미친다. 애착에 의해 영향을 받기 보다는
(그러니까 애착이 없어서 반사회적 행동을 하는 게 아니라, 이런 짓거리를 하면 캐릭터 애착에 영향을 줄 수 있다는 것)
Perhaps the most compelling finding in our study is that
there are strong and interpretable patterns that suggest antisocial
gaming to be associated with winning and inciting others.
>>남을 이겨먹고 자극하는데 가장 큰 동기가 있고.. 이런 게
반사회적 행동은 (게임 내) 스킬과 강한 관련성을 보임
그리고 이러한 걸 설명해 주는 게 앞에 나온 반두라의 이야기 ; moral disengagement
>>젊은 남성 게이머들이 보다 반사회적 행동을 하는 건 그냥 성차로 설명하고 있는 듯. 원래 여성 게이머들은 덜 공격적이얌ㅋ 하고..
females are often encouraged to nurture
rather than fight in general34 and Eden and colleagues35 found
evidence of this bias in female gamers,who often reported being
expected to play the role of healers or other noncombat character
in online games.
While these conclusions are post hoc and
speculative, further research should analyze player and character
identity and how it might relate to motivations for game
play, perhaps incorporating computer-mediated communication
identity theories such as the hyperpersonal model.36
>>후속 연구는 '정체성'까지 다루는 것으로...
하이퍼 퍼스널 모델은 뭐야?? 궁금한데?? 정체성과 관련된 건가부지
36. Walther JB. Computer-mediated communication: Impersonal,
interpersonal, and hyperpersonal interaction. Communication
Research 2006; 23:3–43.
>>나중에 읽어볼 것
To this point, research on
identification has focused on how passive media audiences
come to identify with distinct and distal media characters, but
in video games the player and the character are not separate
entities but in fact–at least to the extent defined by CA–the
same individual. In other words, the relationship between
individuals and their virtual interactions seems to be related
to the strength of the relationship between individuals and
their virtual selves.
<<이거 말고 어떤 요소들이 CA에 영향을 미치는지 후속 연구ㅋ
우리는 CA가 친/반사회적 동기를 이끌어 내는 유일한 원인이라고 안했음ㅋ 원인 중 하나
Our data serve to contribute to a larger understanding of
the relationships between the individual and the avatar in
virtual worlds by demonstrating that dimensions of this
relationship—conceptualized as CA—are associated with
self-reported pro- and anti-social gaming motivations
CA provides a
base for these considerations, suggesting that gamers’ play
motivations to be connected to their identification with, sense
of control over and responsibility for their character and their
willingness to believe the character’s virtual world.
<<<해외 논문의 짧음을 찬양하라!!ㅠㅠㅠㅠ 7페이지라니.. 그것도 각주랑 빈 페이지 빼면 5페이지 정도ㅋ 하지만 모든 논문이 이런 건 아니겠지ㅋ 그리고 짧아도 읽기 어려움ㅋ 대충 읽으려 해도 다 영어로 뭐가 중요하고 뭐가 안 중요한 부분인지 분간이 안ㅋ감ㅋ
이 논문은 심지어 읽기도 편했음ㅋㅋㅋ 영어를 뭔가 쉽게 써 놓은듯
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