
Conceptualizing personal media / MARIKA LÜDERS (4/10)

snachild 2014. 7. 7. 15:01

Conceptualizing personal



new media & society

Copyright © 2008 SAGE Publications

Los Angeles, London, New Delhi and Singapore


The digitalization and personal use of media

technologies have destabilized the traditional

dichotomization between mass communication and

interpersonal communication, and therefore between

mass media and personal media (e.g. mobile phones,

email, instant messenger, blogs and photo-sharing

services). As private individuals use media technologies

to create and share personal expressions through digital

networks, previous characteristics of mass media as

providers of generally accessible information are no

longer accurate.This article may be situated within a

medium-theoretical tradition, as it elucidates(더 자세히) 설명하다) technical

and social dimensions of personal media and revises the

distinction between mass media and personal media.

A two-dimensional model suggests locating personal

media and mass media according to an interactional axis

and an institutional/professional axis: personal media are

de-institutionalized(1. 일상화된 2. 보호 시설 생활에 익숙해진, 자활 능력이 결여된)/de-professionalized and facilitate

mediated interaction.The implementation of digital

media technologies has important consequences for

social networks and fits well within a theoretical

discussion of the post-traditional self.

>>비-일상화되고 비-전문화된 개인 미디어? 재밌넹

   >> 일상화보다는 '관습화'에 가까운 듯


 Key words

CMC • communication theory • convergence • medium-theory •

multimodality • personal media • social technologies

>> CMC가 뭐지

Scholars have taken a retrospective approach, with the advantage of hindsight,

elaborating on the significance of new media (written language, the printing

press, electronic media) to structural changes in society (Eisenstein, 1993; Innis,

1951; Kittler, 1999[1986]; McLuhan, 1997[1964]; Meyrowitz, 1986).

  • retrospective
    미국·영국 [|retrə|spektɪv] 발음듣기 영국식 발음듣기 예문보기
    1. 회고하는 2. 소급 적용되는 3. (화가의) 회고전

    • hindsight
      미국·영국 [|haɪndsaɪt] 발음듣기 영국식 발음듣기 예문보기
      (일이 다 벌어진 뒤에) 사정을 다 알게 됨, 뒤늦은 깨달음

In a

comparable manner, this article aims to explain the main characteristics of

personal media as opposed to mass media and to point out some social

implications of the recent and ongoing development of digital personal media.

>>본고의 목적 : 개인 미디어의 특성을 매스 미디어와 대조하여 살펴보고, 디지털 개인 미디어의 최근 발전 현황의 사회적 함의를 보는 것



Tools for personal communication have seen a remarkable development with the digitalization of media technologies

>>디지털 미디어 기술의 발전으로 개인화된 커뮤니케이션 활성화


labelled ‘personal media’.This is not an

established and fixed term in academia, but related examples of use can be

found: in 1977, Alan Kay and Adele Goldberg (2003[1977])

>>개인 미디어라는 용어가 학술적인 건 아니구남;;; my media보다는 학술적인뎅;


The computer allowed users to view, edit and create various expressions:

personal media denotes the tools for interpersonal

communication and personalized expression, for example, mobile phones,

email, Instant Messenger, homepages, private weblogs (blogs), online profiles

and photo-sharing sites.

  • denote
    미국식 [dɪ|noʊt] 발음듣기 영국식 [dɪ|nəʊt] 발음듣기 중요도 별점 1개 예문보기
    1. 조짐을 보여주다 2. 의미하다, 나타내다

The article can be placed within a discourse

associated with concepts such as ‘architecture of participation’, ‘creative

industries’, ‘collective intelligence’ and ‘participatory culture’ (Hartley, 2005;

Jenkins, 2006; O’Reilly, 2005),

>>젠킨스씨 하이여


The main analytical challenge emerges from the observation that the same

technologies are used for personal as well as mass communication purposes.

이메일 ; 개인 표현을 위해서도 쓰지만 기업이나 단체에서 전체 발송하기도 함. 

Other examples include commercial blogs (e.g. Boing Boing: http://boingboing

.net/) in contrast with individualized uses of blogs.

>>블로그도 마찬가지


Traditionally, mass

communication is comprehended in contrast with interpersonal communication.

>>전통적으로, 매스 커뮤니케이션은 개인상호적인 커뮤니케이션과 대조적인 것으로 이해되었다


With the digitalization of media, in certain cases the

same media technologies are used for both mass media and private individual

purposes. Regarding personal media, digitalization and networked structures

change both key characteristics and the social significance of mediated

interpersonal communication.

This article does not propose that distinctions between mass media and

personal media are no longer pertinent.

Personal media are distinguishable

from mass media, if not always technically, then at least socially

>>와 이거 진짜 멋지다... 개인 미디어는 (결국) 매스 미디어와 구분된다. 기술적으로가 아니더라도, 결국 사회적으로


Thompson’s perspective, the telephone and the internet are media technologies,

Multimedia Messaging

Service (MMS), telephone conversations, Instant Messenger, email, blogs and

homepages are media products.This article suggests replacing the concept of

media products with media forms.

기술 : 전화기 / 인터넷

그런 기술을 기반으로 생산된 것들 : 이메일, 블로그, ... 미디어 프로덕트. 여기서는 media form이라고 함(이쪽이 디지털 미디어의 유연성과, 여러 매체에도 적용할 수 있는 용어라 생각해서)

Inspired by Feenberg’s arguments, it suggests a four-level model

of how technologies, media forms and genres evolve within everyday contexts.

기술의 발전은 사회적이고 정치적인 맥락에 위치하고 있다. 기술 이론은 어떻게 기술이 객체, 주체, 환경과 다양한 가능성들과 관련 맺는지를 인식하는 게 필요하다. 이를 위한 전제 비선형적인 프로세스

These are premises that oppose a

deterministic belief in technological development as a unilinear process and the

existence of autonomous technical imperatives on social development

  • imperative
    미국·영국 [ɪm|perətɪv] 발음듣기 영국식 발음듣기 중요도 별점 1개 예문보기
    1. 반드시 해야 하는, 긴요한 2. 위엄 있는 3. 명령을 나타내는

 Technical codes refer to how social values become internalized as

part of technologies.

 어떻게 사회적 가치가 테크놀로지의 일부로 내재화되는지


Here, Feenberg refers to Don Ihde’s

(2002) account of technology.Technologies display multi-stable possibilities and

their designed intent rarely explains their ultimate functions and effects. 

We need to acknowledge the materiality of technology (Hutchby, 2001;

Kittler, 1999[1986]; Poster, 2001) without losing sight of the discursive practices

through which we understand it (Barnet, 2003).

>>다음엔 Barnet 2003 읽어볼까

 user-situated knowledge

 user agency of media technologies to media forms.


For example, online newspapers are mass media forms

comprising distinct genres such as features, editorial and news reportage.

>>장르 문제. 온라인 뉴스페이퍼... 

 reportage보도, 보도체

personal media forms can be analysed according to genre characteristics. For

example, private letters may be said to be their own genre and an offspring of

various official letters (Eliassen, 2003).

With personal media, individual users are the developers of genre conventions.

Consequently, exploring genre conventions of various personal media forms is

more challenging than exploring mass media genres, because institutional and

professional conventions are absent.

>>매스 미디어에서 장르 보는 것보다 개인 미디어의 장르 컨벤션을 보는 게 훨씬 어려움

This is not to imply that there exists a total

genre-chaos of personally-mediated messages. Just as journalists are socialized into

professions and genres, a similar socialization occurs with users of personal media,

even if not in the same systematic way. Individual users learn to decode personal

messages, partly because they recognize genres from their typical characteristics

and conversely they learn what genre-conventions to follow when constructing

messages of various kinds; in other words, our knowledge of genres help us to

decode and recode messages appropriately.


 Moreover, knowledge of genreconventions

is important in order to understand how to interpret messages.As

such, genres need to be socially and psychologically understood, as they help us to

understand social aspects of communication processes (Anneberg Olesen and

Halskov Jensen, 2003).

>>이야 이거 멋있다 장르는 사회적이고 심리적으로 이해되어야 한다. 커뮤니케이션 과정의 사회적 측면을 이해하게 하기 때문에


Our expectations as to what blogs, personal

homepages and messages mediated via phone, email, discussions boards or Instant

Messenger are, help to us decode their messages.


conversations, SMS and MMS; computer-mediated communication (CMC)

>>아... CMC는 이거였던 거시당 컴퓨터-매개 커뮤니케이션

such as Instant Messager, chat and email; and media forms such as blogs and

personal homepages are all different regarding synchronicity, interactions,

requirements of multimodal literacy and the scope of the communication in

time and space


근대 사회 노동의 분업

This section clarifies how their comprehensions of mass media are

somewhat obsolete, and moreover modifies Thompson’s categorization of types

of interaction.The main point is that with the digitalization and widespread use

of personal media, some characteristics that were previously applied to mass

media are also pertinent descriptions of personal media

  • obsolete
    미국식 [|ɑ:bsə|li:t] 발음듣기 영국식 [|ɒbsəli:t] 발음듣기 중요도 별점 1개 예문보기
    더 이상 쓸모가 없는, 한물간, 구식의

.This further changes

how interactions between communicants appear.

Thompson defines mass media as having five typical characteristics:

• technical and institutional means of production and diffusion;

• the commodification of symbolic forms;

• a structured break between the production and the reception of

symbolic forms;

• the extended availability of symbolic forms in space and time; and

• media products are available in principle to a plurality of recipients

(Thompson, 1995).

>>매스 미디어의 주요 특징

전화는 매스 미디에이티드화된 것이 아님. 제너럴하게 접근한 것이 아니기 때문에

그러나 콘텐츠는 기술적으로 미디에이티드화된 것


communication media are more symmetrical and require users to perform

actively as both receivers and producers of messages.Thus there are two levels

in an explication of differences between personal media and mass media

regarding communication processes: first, analysing the interactional roles that

communicators take on; and second, considering users as producers of content

or expressions. Personal media differ from mass media in both respects, but as

this article will propose, certain differences are more like varying positions on

a continuum

<Interactional roles and network structures>

face-to-face interaction,

mediated interaction and quasi-mediated interaction

  •  매체학자 톰슨의 경우 매개되지 않은 상호작용(immediate interaction), 매개된 상호작용(mediated interaction), 의사적으로 매개된 상호작용(quasi-mediated interaction)을 구별하기도 한다.

>>오오.. 톰슨이 말하는 의사적으로 매개된 상호작용이 바로 매스 미디어의 상호작용임!!!!


Typically, telephone and letters are tools used for mediated social

interaction.With the development and appropriation of digital personal media,

mediated social interaction has the potential to be near all-pervasive in our

everyday life.With mass media, the interaction between the producers of media

messages and their audiences is of another kind. Because of the asymmetric

relations and the lacking degree of reciprocity between the producers and the

unknown audience,Thompson adds ‘quasi’ to the form of interaction initiated

by mass media.

The user-elasticity(탄성, 탄력성) of computer and internet technology as the basis for

both mass communication and interpersonal communication explains why

there has been a certain blurring of boundaries between mass communication and interpersonal communication.

>>매스 커뮤니케이션과 인터퍼스널 커뮤니케이션의 경계가 흐려지고 있음

 Networked computers greatly increase the potential audience of personal

media content and often personal media are used as a tool to enhance

audience contact within mass media.

There are important differences between types of personal media:

communication media such as SMS, Instant Messenger and email provide arenas

for symmetrical interaction (when used within interpersonal relationships),

whereas homepages and blogs sometimes evolve into more one-way

communication processes.

To take the most obvious example, some private blogs

have such vast audiences that it seems more pertinent to describe the relationships

between producer and readers as quasi-interaction.

>>그렇군.. 블로그의 경우 거대해지면 매스 미디어나 다름 없이 결국 쿼시-인터렉션이 일어나는 겨

 근데 이 양상도 복합적이겠지

Network theory illustrates the differences in interaction patterns from

another perspective, focusing upon users as nodes in networks. Networks

facilitated by personal media differ significantly from networks of mass media

and their audience, but some aspects may have changed with the digitalization

of media technologies and the increasing use of mass media as arenas for

interpersonal interaction.

>>다른 이론의 관점에서 분류한 것. 

In network theoretical terms, social organization

(whether online or offline) is made up of networks of connected nodes.These

nodes are linked to each other by weak and strong ties (Barabasi, 2003;

Granovetter, 1973). Personal communication takes place within and between

networks made up of reciprocal interlinked nodes: one node communicating

with one or several connected nodes.

<<흥미롭지만 이 부분 넘어가자. 노드 어쩌구 하는 부분들

Users as producers

Mass media content is made within institutionalized and professionalized

structures, or, as previously stated; mass media constitute their own functionsystem.

<<693쪽도 훅훅

The importance of active and creative amateur users is stressed among key

actors within the mass media industry, further complicating the distinction

between personal media and mass media.

BBC 방송국에서 시청자를 데려다 그들의 이야기를 나누는 것.. 등

CNN 예시 스킵


What, then, is left of Luhmann and Thompson’s definitions of mass media?

Personal media now share features commonly associated only with mass media:

their content can be generally accessible; content multiplies through copying

technologies; there are structured breaks between the production and reception

of symbolic forms;

In Luhmannian terms, mass media comprise

their own function-system within modern societies. Personal media are

characterized by being private, non-institutional and more symmetrical than

mass media.

>>symmetrical 하다는 게 뭘까 이따 더 찾아보기..

 대칭적? 균형잡힌? 좀 더 수평적인 관계라는 건가;;



Distinctions between personal media and mass media may be outlined

as differences in the types of involvement required from users. Personal

communication media are more symmetrical and require users to perform

actively as both receivers and producers of messages.Thus there are two levels

in an explication of differences between personal media and mass media

regarding communication processes: first, analysing the interactional roles that

communicators take on; and second, considering users as producers of content

or expressions. Personal media differ from mass media in both respects, but as

this article will propose, certain differences are more like varying positions on

a continuum.

>>메시지를 생산도 하고 수용도 하는 활발한 참여를 하는 게.. symmetrical?

Therefore, the internet or mobile phone

cannot be said necessarily to facilitate symmetrically mediated social

interaction and mass media cannot be equated absolutely with mediated


>>수평적으로 매개된 사회적 상호작용 

SMS, Instant Messenger and email provide arenas

for symmetrical interaction (when used within interpersonal relationships),

>>인터퍼스널한 관계에서 일어나는 symmetrical 상호작용

Personal media are

characterized by being private, non-institutional and more symmetrical than

mass media.

>>개인 미디어는 symmetrical 

However, trying to

identify any profound transformative ‘message’ of personal media can be naive

and unreliable (Feenberg and Bakardjieva, 2004).

Although the reflexive self is

understood often in connection with modern, functionalized societies

characterized by a decline of traditions and a priori individual roles, it is

interesting that similar thoughts of the self can be found long before our time.

Foucault (1997) relies on the Roman philosopher Seneca when he examines

the importance of taking care of the self in Greco-Roman culture during the

first two centuries of the empire.3

Historically, literacy, implying the ability to read and write, had significant

implications for human consciousness (Goody, 1977; Havelock, 1986; ong,

2002[1982]). Digital personal media require people to be multimodal-literate:

Kress and Theo Van Leeuwen define multimodality as ‘the use of several

semiotic modes in the design of a semiotic product or event, together with

the particular way in which these modes are combined’ (2001: 20).

>>와 리딩 이미지 나왔어ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

    근데 왜 나온거징..^^;; (이해못함)

With the

increasing use of digital personal media, individuals and smaller groups have the

potential to describe and publish their interpretations of the world.

Consequently, mass media actors no longer have a monopoly as mediators

and constructers of factual and fictional reality but, as previously noted, are

increasingly aware of the value of user-generated content within a mass media

setting. Participating media users are seen as an essential part of the media

future and the value of user-generated content as eyewitness accounts is

acknowledged (such as with the London terrorist bombs in 2005 and the

Israeli.Hezbollah war in 2006).

On the horizontal axis,

personal media are more symmetrical, facilitating mediated interaction, whereas

mass media are more asymmetrical. on the vertical axis, personal media are

closer to the de-institutionalized or de-professionalized content pole, whereas

mass media are closer to the institutional or professional pole.


수평적 축 : 개인 미디어는 균형적 / 매스 미디어는 불균형적

수직적 축 : 개인 미디어는 비-관습적이고 비-전문화 / 매스 미디어는 관습적, 전문적



media have societal functions, which rely on processes of audience identification

rather than interaction (Holmes, 2005).

Barabasi, A.-L. (2003) Linked: How Everything Is Connected to Everything Else and What it

Means for Business, Science and Everyday Life. New York: Plume.

Barnet, B. (2003) ‘The Erasure of Technology in Cultural Critique’, Fibreculture 1, URL

(consulted 8 August 2006):

Bauman, Z. and B.Vecchi (2004) Identity: Conversations with Benedetto Vecchi. Cambridge: Polity

Press. >>설마 이거 지그문트 바우만은 아니겠징ㅋㅋ

Bolter, J.D. (2001) Writing Space: Computers, Hypertext and the Remediation of Print.

Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Havelock, E.A. (1986) The Muse Learns to Write: Reflections on Orality and Literacy from

Antiquity to the Present. New Haven, CT:Yale University Press.

Kress, G. (2003) Literacy in the New Media Age. London: Routledge.

Kress, G. and T.V. Leeuwen (2001) Multimodal Discourse:The Modes and Media of

Contemporary Communication. London:Arnold.