Gender schema theory
Sandra Bem in 1981
코넬 대학
- assimilate
- 미국·영국 [ə|sɪməleɪt] 영국식 중요도 별점 1개 예문보기
- 1. (아이디어나 정보를) 완전히 이해하다 2. (국가・사회의 일원으로) 동화되다
sex typing results from the fact that the self-concept itself gets assimilated to the gender schema.
gender-based schematic processing derives from the society's ubiquitous insistence on the fuctional importance of the gender dichotomy.
남녀의 구별은 모든 인류 문화를 조직하는 기본적인 원칙
성인의 역할 성에 기반하여 배분
그리고 아이들의 사회화에서도 그런 걸 기대
anticipate this allocation in the socialization of their children.
children socialize themselves once they have firmly labeled themselves as male or female (Kohlberg, 1966)
>>이렇게 성 역할이 학습된다고 하는데 정확히 무엇이 학습되는 것인가?
>>구체적인 행동이나 노동의 분화 말고도... 보다 metaphorically related to sex, such as the angularity or roundedness of an abstract shape and the periodicity of the moon. 좀 더 추상적인 인지적 도식 같은 것도 학습된다는 뜻인듯
content-specific information 구체적인 내용과 정보 뿐만 아니라,
the child is also learning to invoke this heterogeneous network of sex-related associations in order to evaluate and assimilate new information.
cognitive availability of the schema
schema-relevant categories / schema-relevant dimensions
the child also learns to evaluate his or her adequacy as a person in terms of the gender schema, to match his or her preferences, attitudes, behaviors, and personal attributes against the prototypes stored within it.
culture's definitions of maleness and femaleness.
<<사람들(대학원생들) 데리고 실험함. 단어 회상 같은 실험인듯
통계수치 나오고.. 사회학적 연구였군
schema-consistent 랑 schema-inconsistent 로 분류되어서 표가 나오고...
The Heterosexuality Subschema
- 두 개의 성은 꽤 다르다(확연히 대조?)
- 이성애 중심적이고 모든 사회적 상호작용의 저변에 성적인 유혹이 있다는 서브 스키마?
<<우리 사회가 애들한테 남녀 이분법을 강하게 가르친다?
<<<결론 부분 더 읽을 수 있음 읽을 것
구글에서 찾은 내용
Gender schema theory refers to the theory that children learn about what it means to be male and female from the culture in which they live. According to this theory, children adjust their behavior to fit in with the gender norms and expectations of their culture.
Gender schema theory was formally introduced by Sandra Bem in 1981 as a cognitive theory to explain how individuals become gendered in society, and how sex-linked characteristics are maintained and transmitted to other members of a culture.[1] Gender-associated information is predominantly transmuted through society by way of schemata, or networks of information that allow for some information to be more easily assimilated than others. Bem argues that there are individual differences in the degree to which people hold these gender schemata. These differences are manifested via the degree to which individuals are sex-typed.
Core gender identity is tied up in the sex typing that an individual undergoes. This typing can be heavily influenced by child rearing, media, school, and other forms of cultural transmission. Bem refers to four categories in which an individual may fall: sex-typed, cross-sex-typed, androgynous, and undifferentiated. Sex-typed individuals process and integrate information that is in line with their gender. Cross-sex-typed individuals process and integrate information that is in line with the opposite gender. Androgynous individuals process and integrate traits and information from both genders. Finally, undifferentiated individuals do not show efficient processing of sex-typed information.[1]
Gender stereotypes[edit]
Being that gender schema theory is a theory of process and not content, this theory can help explain some of the processes by which gender stereotypes become so psychologically ingrained in our society. Specifically, having strong gender schemata provides a filter through which we process incoming stimuli in the environment. This leads to an easier ability to assimilate information that is stereotype congruent, hence further solidifying the existence of gender stereotypes. Within adolescent development, Bem hypothesizes that children must choose among a plethora of dimensions, but that gender schemas lead to the regulation of behaviors that conform to the cultural definition of what it means to be male or female. Additionally, Bem asserts that there is also a heterosexuality subschema, which likely encouraged the development of gender schemas. Most societies treat exclusive heterosexuality as the benchmark for proper masculinity and femininity—that is, heterosexuality is the norm. Furthermore, the heterosexuality subschema asserts that men and women are supposed to be different from one another. It is hypothesized that this is why cross-sexed interactions are likely to be coded sexually. Sex-typed individuals have a general readiness to invoke the heterosexuality subschema in social interactions, behaving differently towards individuals of the opposite sex that they find attractive v. unattractive.
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