
An Introduction to NARRATOLOGY // Monika Fludernik

snachild 2015. 1. 5. 17:35





'cinematic narrator' who is comparable to the narrator in the novel and fulfiles an similar mediationg function in the presentation of the story.





'natural narratology' have .. focused on the existence of fictional characters in a fictional world. 인지적 이론의 관점에서.. 행동하기, 생각하기, 그릭 느끼기는 이 세계에서 인간의 실존을 구성한다.





In natural narrative we can distinguish two basic level : the level of communication between speaker and listener and the level of the story itself

The framing of the narrative, which belongs to the communicative level, consist of a characterization of the story at the beginning ...


In natural narrative the point of the story coaano primarily be found in what happens - a report could do that job just as well.
